

3663 Uppsatser om Systems safety - Sida 1 av 245

Säkerhetsklassificering av dammar : En kartläggning av system i Sverige, Norge, Finland, Schweiz, Kanada och USA

In a comparing survey this thesis investigatesclassification systems for dams in Sweden, Norway,Finland, Switzerland, Canada and USA. Theinvestigation is aiming at an understanding of howpotential consequences of a dam failure are takeninto account when classifying dams. Furthermore,the significance of the classification, regarding therequirements on the dam owner and surveillanceauthorities concerning dam safety is considered andreviewed. The thesis is pointing out similarities anddifferences in the line of dam safety.The survey of dam safety is firstly based upon legalrequirements in the different countries andsecondly on guidelines regarding dam safety. Damowners generally are ultimately responsible for thesafety of their dam, and often have their ownroutines regarding how this safety is to be achieved.In this thesis, however, the legal requirements aremainly focused upon.The investigation has resulted in an outlining ofeight areas, where the classification systems in thevarious countries have been compared.

Systemtid eller vårdtid? : En arbetsplatsstudie i vårdens digitala arbetsmiljö

Swedish healthcare systems have endured harsh criticism from healthcare professionals because of their inability to understand healthcare processes. These systems have been identified as significant time consumers, and Swedish healthcare is therefore facing a major challenge to assure patient safety. The following paper is based on a workplace study, which aims to examine healthcare systems? impact on physicians? practices. Our findings show that physicians spend substantial amounts of time chasing information, rather than managing information and pursuing healthcare.

Varmhållen och kyld skolmat : En jämförelse med fokus på energianvändning mot bakgrund av livsmedelssäkerhet och näringsretention

The aim of this report has been to investigate the use of electricity energy before and after a conversion of foodservice. The ambition was also to highlight the food safety and the retention of nutrients in relation to the conversion. The methods being used were qualitative interviews, case studies, study visits and literature. The equipment and the use of energy was the same in 2008 as in 2011 for hot-holding of the tested component, sauce with ham. The chilled system used more than three times the energy and cost for one portion than one portion in the hot-hold system.

Säkerhetsarbetet vid Kils RF och Färjestads RK

The purpose of this essay is to examine how two riding schools work with their safety. Riding is one of the most popular sports in Sweden but also very dangerous. Sweden has a lot of riding schools and almost half a million that rides. Therefore it?s very important that riding, and especially riding at riding schools has the highest level of safety with regards to harmful events.The purpose leads to the overarching research question for this essay, which is: How does the Safety work look at two riding schools in the area of Karlstad? Out of this question, seven specified research questions have been constructed.

Riskstatusbedömning : Ett djupgående analysverktyg för sevesoanläggningar

Safety and risk management currently have a starting point based on the negative outcome of safety, thus the lack of safety. The starting point for the thesis is to find a way to measure the positive outcome of safety through ergonomic aspects regarding chemical plants that are covered of the Seveso II Directive.Through a literature study of safety and ergonomics fourteen key aspects of safety were found. Safety Performance Indicators (SPI's) are used to assess the fourteen identified proactive indicators of safety. An analysis in three steps - called risk status assessment - is design to give an SPI its value. A pilot study of the risk status assessment was performed at the ethanol producer Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping, Sweden..

Simhall i Viskafors

Today, the catering personnel are an essential part of the safety organization on board Swedish passenger vessels in ferry services. Their responsibilities for the safety on board have increased in connection with the changes in regulations made on the shipping industry. These changes have been mostly related to human factors and structural leadership in the last 25 years.A well-functioning safety organization requires competence and commitment from every individual. Previous researches on Swedish passenger ferries concerning the safety organization have raised issues regarding the catering personnel?s perception of the safety on board.

Analysis of Intent Specification and SystemUpgrade Traceability

The impact of computer programs in safety-critical systems has increased in the past decades and computer-based systems can now be found in a wide range of applications. A new approach for developing dependable systems is documenting all design rationale that affects safety using Intent Specifications. A recent approach for developing complex systems efficiently and in an upgradeable manner is Component-Based System Engineering. In this thesis, these approaches are combined in the development and upgrade of a Remote Robot Control Unit by using the tool SpecTRM. The case study showed that Intent Specifications and CBSE could successfully be combined.

Säkerhetsorganisationen på svenska traditionsfartyg

This report is a study of Swedish traditional ships and their safety organization. The focus is on how the non-profit organizations that operate the traditional ships can adapt to current regulations in the best way. Initially a background on traditional ships, their organization and regulations that regulates them will be presented.The study is focused on which parts that can be more important in the safety organizations for traditional ships. The questions also includes if a non-profit organization might affect the safety and how the role as designated person should be handled in these organizations. Furthermore the study addresses how a non-profit organization that operates traditional ships might improve their safety organization.The information is gathered by interviews with persons that work with safety, controls safety organizations or is active in organizations that operate traditional ships.

Dokumentation av underhållssimulatorer för utbildning i vardagssäkerhet

At Forsmark nuclear power plant a new course called "education in everyday safety" has been started in an attempt to improve the safety culture. The goal is to spread the of expectations and approach the maintenance management has set, to all employees working at the plants. During the course, theory is mixed with practical tasks to reach a common view how work should be done to achieve safety for the plant and the people that work there.The practical tasks are done inside "maintenance simulators". They are built inside 20 ft containers which contains two dummy pipe systems. On the pipe systems some valves, a flow meter and a pump has been installed.

Intendenturpersonalens syn på säkerhetsarbetet ombord på ett passagerarfartyg i färjetrafik

Today, the catering personnel are an essential part of the safety organization on board Swedish passenger vessels in ferry services. Their responsibilities for the safety on board have increased in connection with the changes in regulations made on the shipping industry. These changes have been mostly related to human factors and structural leadership in the last 25 years.A well-functioning safety organization requires competence and commitment from every individual. Previous researches on Swedish passenger ferries concerning the safety organization have raised issues regarding the catering personnel?s perception of the safety on board.

Att styra säkerhet med siffror : En essä om (att se) gränser

Work, especially that in complex, dynamic workplaces, often requires subtle, local judgment with regard to timing of subtasks, relevance, importance, prioritization and so forth. Still, people in Nuclear Industry seem to think safety results from people just following procedures. In the wake of failure it can be tempting to introduce new procedures and an even stricter "rule following culture". None, or at least very little, attention is given to tacit knowledge and individual skills. I am aiming to highlight the inadequacy of putting too much trust in formalization and that reporting and trending of events will contribute to increased learning, an increased nuclear safety and an efficient operational experience.

Positive human to cattle interactions and the possibilities to increase animal welfare, economy and safety for farmers

Cattle production systems are changing to bigger intensified systems with larger numbers of animals per farm and more free range systems while at the same time employing fewer people. Aversive handling has been known to affect cattle production negatively for many years, but lately scientists have started to focus more on what positive effects gentle handling and positive human-cattle interactions may have on beef and dairy production. Fear can cause high stress in production animals and this can contribute to not only reduced production within beef and dairy cattle, but also increased risks for accidents and decreased animal welfare. Therefore, by reducing the fear cattle experience of humans, it could be possible to increase production, decrease accidents and increase the welfare of the animals. Reducing the animals fear and stress can be done by simple means, such as walking and talking calmly around the cattle, associating humans to positive feelings (such as feed) and stroking the cattle?s body regions associated with social grooming.

Operationssjuksköterskors beskrivningar av att arbeta med WHO:s checklista för säkerhet vid operationer

Background:In Sweden there are several thousand surgical procedures performed every day. The treatment is expected to be efficient, profitable and safe. Despite that, complications occur in 3-16 % of the surgical procedures. To prevent this, WHO has developed a surgical safety checklist containing safety issues to give the surgery team an opportunity to a last control that everything has been properly done. The profession of the surgical nurse focuses mainly on patient safety especially regarding hygiene and sterility.Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate and describe the perceptions of the perioperative nurses regarding WHO: s surgical safety checklist.Method:To test the suitability of the method a pilot study was performed where tree operating room nurses were interviewed and the data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis.Results: Four categories emerged; Increased patient safety, enhanced team spirit, good planning, stronger professional role.Discussion: The result from the study showed positive perceptions regarding the surgical safety checklist, a fact known from earlier research.Conclusion: The results of the pilot study showed that surgical nurses had good support in their work when the surgical safety checklist was used..

Mjukvaruplattform för riggstyrning

Today the competition in the automobile industry is getting all tougher. The technology behind cars becomes more advanced. To get ahead of competitors car companies has to look into new areas of innovation.One important area is vehicle safety. Bigger companies have come so far in vehicle safety that difference between cars more depends on the car type (size) than the technology behind it.There is one area where vehicle safety that still has great opportunities for improvement, which is in active safety. The term active safety states that the car has the ability to identify treats and automatically respond to the treats.

Finns det lönsamhet i att bygga hyresrätter i Karlstad? : Kan kostnaderna minska om man bygger enligt passivstandard?

This thesis is basically a design project aimed to find a safe and reliable automatic safety device, which is designed to be suitable for highly automated industrial situations. This device fits with ABB / Jokab Safety?s fence systems. These are built up around machines to create safety distances. The automatic protection device assist the operator in situations when loading or going in and out of the danger zone.

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